meet akiva, israel school educator
Akiva is passionate about teaching and engaging with students of all ages on topics related to Israel that are informative, inspiring and thought-provoking for kids.
Originally from New York, Akiva moved to Israel in 2004 and has worked in the field of Jewish and Israel education for 20 years. He has worked with thousands of students throughout his career, caring most about helping them to develop a personal connection with their Jewish heritage, with Jewish history and with Israel.
Akiva received a BA from Brown University in Religious Studies, an MA from Yeshiva University in Jewish Education as well as rabbinic ordination.
He lives in Pardes Hanna with his wife Tamar and their children.
virtual tours
Explore popular as well as lesser-known sites around Israel from home! Akiva Gersh mixes his expertise in guiding with vivid pictures to give students the feeling of being on site!
Virtual Tours may include:
Old City of Jerusalem
Dead Sea
Tel Aviv/Jaffa
Golan Heights
Sde Boker and the Negev
Atlit Detention Center
Beer Sheva
Archeaological Sites
Border with Lebanon and Syria
israel history
Learn the inspiring story of Israel's establishment, survival and incredible success through engaging classes. Students will strengthen their understanding of the struggle and the sacrifice that went into creation of the modern State of Israel and how Israel became a global leader in many important fields including technology, agriculture, medicine, alternative energy and more.
Class topics include:
Birth of Zionism
The History of Kibbutzim
Zionism During the British Mandate Period
The Story Behind the Declaration of Independence
Ingathering of the Exiles:
Aliyah in the Early Years of the State
Jewish Ethnic Diversity in Israel
How Israel Became a Start-Up Nation
The IDF and its Impact on Israeli Society: More than Just an Army
Modern Israeli history is a vast collection of stories about individuals who actively chose to take part, and do their part, in creating a new reality for the Jewish people after 2000 years not in their own land. They are the modern heroes of Jewish history who helped to create the State of Israel and/or maintain its survival and success.
Students will learn about Jewish Israeli heroes such as:
Golda Meir, David Ben Gurion, Hannah Senesh, Aaron Aronson, Sarah Aronson, Eli Cohen, Rachel the Poetess, and Tzvika Greengold.
israeli culture
The return of the Jewish people to their homeland has resulted in the creation of a new and vibrant Jewish culture, the likes of which have never been seen before in Jewish history. The early Zionist leaders sought to create a unique and inspiring Jewish culture in the land of Israel and it could be said with confidence that this dream was fulfilled.
Students will learn about:
Israeli Music (and what it teaches us about Israeli society)
The Mix of the Traditional and the Modern in Israeli Culture
Israel's Diverse (and Delicious!) Food Culture
Tel Aviv's World Famous Graffiti